Last post by Nowurtalkin:
I'm confused by this.. I don't know anything about symbian phones, but am assuming it's another java type.. You say you found saved pgs files in a "system" pathway.. I don't know what/why that is, cuz I would expect those files to be found on sd card. That's where those .obml files are stored & read by Opera mini (which is an .obml file reader), at least they were on my old phone. Those numbered files, i.e., "123456", should be followed by extention ".obml15, .obml16"... and so forth. That's how it is on a regular java phone. Maybe different on symbian, w/regard to the extention and/or whether a system application file (phone memory) or on sd card. Whichever the case, being that you copied everything & then put to new card, I don't understand why you cannot view the pgs... assuming that no changes were made, except wiped all & put backup to new card. Plz check the backup of the memory card & look for saved pgs, either on root or in a folder. If u find it, then make sure it was copied to same place on new card. Maybe the reformat process changed something? The way it works is that those numbered, .obml files must be kept exactly same as when originally created w/respect to device, platform, version & locale on card. I hope something here helps. Lemme know. Oh...and 1 more thing...sometimes the saved pgs disappear & just as mysteriously reappear.. It seems to be a tenuous system of saving. I have seen this "now you see it, now you don't, now you do..." happen more than once. It can be very shaky. So plz do a few hard reset cycles (battery pulls) as sometimes doing so will result in the reappearance of those pages (maybe that why they use "presto" in - -"PRESTO-CHANGE-O!"
Originally posted by uchwilliam:
thanks for answering using nokia e5 symbian.please see if u can help me i have very important information it.the saved pages contains my comfirmation number which i will use to check my us dv lottery.
I'm confused by this.. I don't know anything about symbian phones, but am assuming it's another java type.. You say you found saved pgs files in a "system" pathway.. I don't know what/why that is, cuz I would expect those files to be found on sd card. That's where those .obml files are stored & read by Opera mini (which is an .obml file reader), at least they were on my old phone. Those numbered files, i.e., "123456", should be followed by extention ".obml15, .obml16"... and so forth. That's how it is on a regular java phone. Maybe different on symbian, w/regard to the extention and/or whether a system application file (phone memory) or on sd card. Whichever the case, being that you copied everything & then put to new card, I don't understand why you cannot view the pgs... assuming that no changes were made, except wiped all & put backup to new card. Plz check the backup of the memory card & look for saved pgs, either on root or in a folder. If u find it, then make sure it was copied to same place on new card. Maybe the reformat process changed something? The way it works is that those numbered, .obml files must be kept exactly same as when originally created w/respect to device, platform, version & locale on card. I hope something here helps. Lemme know. Oh...and 1 more thing...sometimes the saved pgs disappear & just as mysteriously reappear.. It seems to be a tenuous system of saving. I have seen this "now you see it, now you don't, now you do..." happen more than once. It can be very shaky. So plz do a few hard reset cycles (battery pulls) as sometimes doing so will result in the reappearance of those pages (maybe that why they use "presto" in - -"PRESTO-CHANGE-O!"