Last post by ornsman:
I reported what seems to be your first 'problem' here:
What seems to be happening is that (for a touchscreen phone), navigating the bookmarks ISN'T moving the list up and down, but rather, moving a individual bookmark's POSITION within the list
This is strange behavior and infact I had this same issue with 4.4 - you did not experience this before you say?
It's the equivalent of going 'Menu'>'Move Up' (or 'Move Down') many times in one go! You will see that doing that is quite slow as it is, but for it to happen multiple times at once would take ages - hence what you describe as "screen freezes and hangs"
I had thought this was a 'feature', which COULD be quite useful, however its NOT when you simply want to choose a bookmark to visit a website...
I reported what seems to be your first 'problem' here:
What seems to be happening is that (for a touchscreen phone), navigating the bookmarks ISN'T moving the list up and down, but rather, moving a individual bookmark's POSITION within the list
This is strange behavior and infact I had this same issue with 4.4 - you did not experience this before you say?
It's the equivalent of going 'Menu'>'Move Up' (or 'Move Down') many times in one go! You will see that doing that is quite slow as it is, but for it to happen multiple times at once would take ages - hence what you describe as "screen freezes and hangs"
I had thought this was a 'feature', which COULD be quite useful, however its NOT when you simply want to choose a bookmark to visit a website...