Last post by sgunhouse:
You do note the address says "" - the mobile page.
You're in the wrong area of the forum - this area is for questions about the forums themselves - but I think the only Opera for IOS devices is still Opera Mini. (Not having any myself I could be wrong - there were plans for a new IOS version of Opera, I wouldn't know if they've released one yet.) Anyway - presuming this is Mini, moved to the Opera Mini forum. I don't know if Mini would support the full version of Facebook, I'm sure someone there could tell you.
You're in the wrong area of the forum - this area is for questions about the forums themselves - but I think the only Opera for IOS devices is still Opera Mini. (Not having any myself I could be wrong - there were plans for a new IOS version of Opera, I wouldn't know if they've released one yet.) Anyway - presuming this is Mini, moved to the Opera Mini forum. I don't know if Mini would support the full version of Facebook, I'm sure someone there could tell you.