Last post by benfavson:
Hi, first of all I'm so sorry about my previous post as it was not at all clear. My apologies to all. I'm giving it another shot as I believe it is relevant plus I'm asking if anyone could direct me as to how to go about changing the font in opera 15.
You'll be dumbfounded as I was when for the first time trying out Opera 15, I googled a query and wondered why the results that was shown, had letters that were too far apart. Not anywhere like how the font is here in MyOpera. But after seeing the Google page I was at, I tend to be unsure about whether the spacing is correct here or not. Makes me even wonder, how that Google page I was just at came up which such a lousy presentation or format for it's results. My friend told me that it's the browser that's responsible for using the font. When my friend checked my sdcard and found I had a Font folder with more than 250 fonts including all of the "WebSafe" fonts, he even wondered more how such could have happened. Irresponsible could be a word that is too strong to describe such a bad presentation. As I look at the page more and tried other pages too wondering how it happened. I can assume from the looks of it that the font is smaller than usual and maybe that triggered such spacing between the letters. That's all actually. I also realized that spacing can make a good-looking font look horrible. Terrible and it looked like a typing student just submitted a shoddy keystroke exercise on paper which the teacher immediately commented that it looked really dismal from afar, but upon closer inspection, had to admire the font used and upon further checking, deduced that the font size should have been bigger and the world would have been a better place to live in.
Sorry but I was really surprised, Opera 15 and that font with bad spacing. I should have called the cops, instead I'm reporting it here, where it matters.
1. Can anyone give some pointers for a Font change ?
2. I'd go for Calibri or Candara if Opera will allow me. Any suggestions ? Perhaps Segoeui ? Corbel ?
Thanks in advance !
Hi, first of all I'm so sorry about my previous post as it was not at all clear. My apologies to all. I'm giving it another shot as I believe it is relevant plus I'm asking if anyone could direct me as to how to go about changing the font in opera 15.
You'll be dumbfounded as I was when for the first time trying out Opera 15, I googled a query and wondered why the results that was shown, had letters that were too far apart. Not anywhere like how the font is here in MyOpera. But after seeing the Google page I was at, I tend to be unsure about whether the spacing is correct here or not. Makes me even wonder, how that Google page I was just at came up which such a lousy presentation or format for it's results. My friend told me that it's the browser that's responsible for using the font. When my friend checked my sdcard and found I had a Font folder with more than 250 fonts including all of the "WebSafe" fonts, he even wondered more how such could have happened. Irresponsible could be a word that is too strong to describe such a bad presentation. As I look at the page more and tried other pages too wondering how it happened. I can assume from the looks of it that the font is smaller than usual and maybe that triggered such spacing between the letters. That's all actually. I also realized that spacing can make a good-looking font look horrible. Terrible and it looked like a typing student just submitted a shoddy keystroke exercise on paper which the teacher immediately commented that it looked really dismal from afar, but upon closer inspection, had to admire the font used and upon further checking, deduced that the font size should have been bigger and the world would have been a better place to live in.
Sorry but I was really surprised, Opera 15 and that font with bad spacing. I should have called the cops, instead I'm reporting it here, where it matters.
1. Can anyone give some pointers for a Font change ?
2. I'd go for Calibri or Candara if Opera will allow me. Any suggestions ? Perhaps Segoeui ? Corbel ?
Thanks in advance !