Last post by axentrick:
My wishlist for the next opera mini 7.1:
- ability to resume last opened tabs & pages after restart
- ability to change user agent and bypass opera proxy
- multiple zooming rather than just 2
- javascript integration (or if any, the better one)
- enchanced waiting time before download, enchanced dropdown menu & list, etc
- fix or disable unfunctioned popups (ads) that steal half of screenview
- ability to copy selected (hover) link
- ability to save multiple images or media on a page (the original)
- qwerty keyboard shortcut rather than the numberic one
- cheers :cheers:
- ability to resume last opened tabs & pages after restart
- ability to change user agent and bypass opera proxy
- multiple zooming rather than just 2
- javascript integration (or if any, the better one)
- enchanced waiting time before download, enchanced dropdown menu & list, etc
- fix or disable unfunctioned popups (ads) that steal half of screenview
- ability to copy selected (hover) link
- ability to save multiple images or media on a page (the original)
- qwerty keyboard shortcut rather than the numberic one
- cheers :cheers: