Last post by Nowurtalkin:
there seems 2b a minor bug on my link page. Pasted below is a text only copy (best i can do). I added some asterisks & spacing to help it look better 2 make point.. I wonder if anybody can ans this.. Its prolly nothing, but u know "murphy".. Ok, so 3 link categories; bkmrks/notes/speeddials.. If i click on bkmrks, as u can see, down below the 3 categories, it again says bkmrks, w/opt to add bkmrk & below that it says: "there are no bookmrks in this folder". Well, i indeed DO have a bunch of bookmarks, so why does it say that? Then, below that, it again gives opt to add bkmrks to folder?? Then, below that is yet another instance of "bookmarks"& if i click that it brings up my bookmarks. it bothers me that at 1st, it states there are no bkmrks, esp w/all the past reported issues w/bookmarks. Thoughts?
*Speed Dial
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*Opera Mini
*Speed Dial
*Bookmarks [ add bookmark ]
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*Opera Mini