Last post by Ankit555551:
New html5 APIs are killing one of the favourite browsers, the opera mini.
In the modern web the Local storage and Session storage APIs are replacing JS cookies.
Many mobile sites developed on Jquery mobile UI which is again using new elements and new APIs.
HTML5 is the most newest and modern markup language for website.
Still there are numbers of people on the internet having low end devices(eg Nokia S40 phones)
Yes we have option to switch to Opera mobile version but is not working/supported on S40 and android 2.2-2.3 OS devices.
opera mobile also lakes facility of enabling bitmap fonts, Bitmap fonts facility is provided in Opera mini so users can see the language which is not supported by his/her mobile phone.
In the case only OM dev team can save the OM.
In the modern web the Local storage and Session storage APIs are replacing JS cookies.
Many mobile sites developed on Jquery mobile UI which is again using new elements and new APIs.
HTML5 is the most newest and modern markup language for website.
Still there are numbers of people on the internet having low end devices(eg Nokia S40 phones)
Yes we have option to switch to Opera mobile version but is not working/supported on S40 and android 2.2-2.3 OS devices.
opera mobile also lakes facility of enabling bitmap fonts, Bitmap fonts facility is provided in Opera mini so users can see the language which is not supported by his/her mobile phone.
In the case only OM dev team can save the OM.