Originally posted by dirgas:
"Btw, beside mini5beta2 (sync link issue) or beta1 (install) I don't know any other opera mini v which can fail in one way or another,
[ahem...surely i read that wrong... u COULDN'T (?) have just said... that besides a coupla beta ver of om...that you..haha.. DON'T know of ANY ominis that CAN FAIL ...in any way ! ("one way or another"). Hmmm...a quick glance, any day, at the mini forum, sorta kinda seems to see it slightly different??? Nah...u must mean someth more specific... like maybe u mean the "failure to load & open" issue i am asking about??]
"also I don't see the point to use mini6 in parallel with another mini version."
[I didnt say there was any point to that, only that i was ABLE to successfully install & open other versions besides "next", AFTER the discovery that 6 would no longer open after one & a half yrs of successful use. However, i ALSO can see very & varied legit reasons for having & using parallel versions, thus many users do. Don't see what either view has to do w/my issue?]
"As a mater of fact any opera mini v is developed with an specific purpose (for platforms or features)
Obviously, different phones need specific matching platform & memory specific versions, but some versions are simply upgrades but not all upgrade features are considered better than certain older aspects which some may prefer over newer features. Also, sometimes an older version works better for a certain user or device for various & sundry reasons, there are some valid reasons for parallel. In fact, i would not be w/o at least 2-3 versions on hand, given the choice (which i have). But i STILL dont see what any of that has to do w/my issue of 6 becomming inoperative (as well as the other residual losses that came w/that occurance) ].
"..and 'beta' prefix is not on devs equations as opera mini public release".
[don't follow that either? "beta"s, to my knowledge (pretty limited...), are released to public, to test. If not to public, than who? Again, what does "beta" have to do w/my issue/questions? I never mentioned anyth re: "beta". (sorry if im missing your points?) ]
"I still wait that day when via m.opera.com link can be installed only one version of opera mini best suited for any device (old v renamed), any glitches can be eliminated in this way".
[well, i agree that older versions should get renamed so they can (if i understand correctly) be installed w/o overwriting...maybe even for some of above reasons, which implies parallel installs, no? But while im not sure why opera guys dont do the renaming (actually, i think in some cases they have, no?), or if its too time consuming for them, but the instructs for renaming are freely available on the forum (somewhere..) so any1 is free to do so.
But i still dont see what this has to do w/my issue... of "broken" 6.0 ?? Dont you think its pretty weird & in dire need of some explanation...for 1 of the best (and longest lasting?) versions of the best ever mobile browsers, after a yr & a half of near perfect performance, w/no apparent rhyme or reason, no warning, no choice....to just up & quit working!!??...and, for official lists to have it removed from?....and, for no such issue to be reported and/or show up in any forum search, or any net search, nor for any opera employee (even when asked several x's) to offer any answer, nor any1 on the forum, even tho ive asked numerous times & ways, since early sept., when it happened. I guess im the only 1 who finds it is a strange & very unfortunate thing to happen. I thought it is hugely non-trivial, but apparently, every1 else finds it less than trivial. (i dont mean you, just sayin'...).
All i wanna know is what happened to my ver6 & why does it almost seem to have been "cleansed" from the face of the earth, like a virus.]