Last post by bhanupatel:
He 7.1 is so good but 1 new problem started.
We cant browse anything if download running.we have to wait or pause the seem while download running whole browse concentrate on Downloading only.
Where no flash or gif needed in OM JAVA version bcoz operamini reduced Out of memory issue with every new version in Nokia s40.If they adding any memory eating feature then browser will crash.In uc browser now OUT OF MEMORY PROBLEM STARTED Bcoz of GIF animation.For .jar/.jad file sometimes opera convert .jar file to .zip like but not 4 all.OPERAMINI AND UCBROWSER SHOULD BE ALTERNATE NOT PARALLED.our dearest browser BOLT died bcoz of less maintance i dont want to lose any other now.OPERA AND UC R GREAT BROWSERS 4 THEIR OWN FEATURES.
We cant browse anything if download running.we have to wait or pause the seem while download running whole browse concentrate on Downloading only.
Where no flash or gif needed in OM JAVA version bcoz operamini reduced Out of memory issue with every new version in Nokia s40.If they adding any memory eating feature then browser will crash.In uc browser now OUT OF MEMORY PROBLEM STARTED Bcoz of GIF animation.For .jar/.jad file sometimes opera convert .jar file to .zip like but not 4 all.OPERAMINI AND UCBROWSER SHOULD BE ALTERNATE NOT PARALLED.our dearest browser BOLT died bcoz of less maintance i dont want to lose any other now.OPERA AND UC R GREAT BROWSERS 4 THEIR OWN FEATURES.