Last post by Nowurtalkin:
With 7.1 i'm seeing a problem w/images (jpg's as far as i know), where a site displays a picture (larger than a typical thumbnail, but way smaller than fullscreen or fullsize) & its clickable, to enlarge twice. The 1st time it gets clicked, image goes to fullscreen w/a "magnifier frame"& the 2nd click brings a full size (i guess?) which is larger than fullscrreen (so i guess this is determined by the orig rez of the pic, cuz 2 click enlargement is not always available). The issue is when its a "2-clicker", the 1st enlargement, to fullscreen, result in a rather lg, white/blank rectangle in the center + a whiite/blank strip along right side (approx 1/3 of screen heigth, centered. The blank is not there in the 1st level, nor the full size level. It also is not apparently associated w/the magnifier frame, as it is smaller & still present after mag frame is tapped away. Never saw this w/previous versions. I tried changing image quality from med to hi, but had no effect on issue. Any ideas on cause?