Channel: My Opera Forum: Opera Mini
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Problem with Google services

Last post by shourov66: Recently youtube was blocked in our country,Bangladesh.After that google services like google search,play store,blogspot isn't working properly.most of the times it shows—

content blocked by operator

Using opera mini next 7.5.31658 & opera mini 7.5.31657 on android 2.3.6

other browsers are working fine.so solve it soon.

can't open operamini 7.0.31382

Last post by mvthakar:

Originally posted by maheshpa:

at last night,i faced big problem.i uses60v2 smartphone and have operamini 7.0.31382.last night i pressed on opera logo but opera mini did't open.then i reinstalled it.now it is fine.why could't i open before it?

Some required files may have gotten corrupted.

Opera Mini with Intranet Web !URGENT¡

Last post by LinuxMint7: Use Opera Mobile ?.

Cannot open https://m.box.com/browse

Last post by Nowurtalkin: The site opens for me, using a slightly lower version of mini7. Maybe restart phone & try again.

Opera Mini 7 for Java and BlackBerry

Last post by Nowurtalkin: Does ur native browser play youtube videos?

Opera Mini 7: big problems with right softkey

Last post by falco2000:

Originally posted by dirgas:

handsetdetection.com a 100% reliable source to definitely say that I can't install and
run Opera Mini 7?> On the contrary, read UA file but your device can't be fully compatible with 160x128 screen resolution.

And you think that the uncompatibility with the screen resolution is the reason why the right soft key works bad while every other function of the browser is ok? Please make me understand, I've got to solve this issue since as you probably have seen in my other post, I also have (different) problems using Opera Mini 4. And Opera Mini 6.5, that handsetdetection.com seems to declare compatible with my phone, is not available as a download on the Opera site.

Thank you for your patience, it's very appreciated :)

Opera Mini with Intranet Web !URGENT¡

Opera Mini 7 for Java and BlackBerry

Last post by obie1993: Hey Guys.

I am using a BB 9300 and I just downloaded Opera 7. Problem is, I cannot download anything above 4.9/5 MB. It always says "download failed" when it reaches that point. How do I fix this is?

Thanking you in advance.

Opera Mini 7: big problems with right softkey

Last post by Nowurtalkin:

Originally posted by falco2000:

Originally posted by Nowurtalkin:

here you'll find 6 & 6.5 jad/jar sets.
note: i think your multiple noted, important point about system pointing you to 7 shouldve been answered....considering all the wasted time it caused you & possibly others w/same situ.

Thank you so much Nowurtalkin, I'll try to install one of those versions, :up:

But I'll report the bugs described in both my recent threads too, I think it's important.
you're welcome. I remembered coming across that pg as i was searching 4 a solution to my perfectly good om6 deciding 2 quit opening after a yr & a half of no problem. But i couldnt remember where it was. I thought i "saved the page" but those seem 2 have a way of disappearing also. So i just backtracked a few pages in mini & found it! At the time ppl were begging 4 it 2 b stickied but it wasnt.

I agree on bug report. In case u dont know, they dont reply unless they need addt'l info.

If u get 1 of the versions installed & it solves issue, please post a report.

Opera Mini 4.4

Last post by noonen7: The link for opera mini 4.4 with all certificates does not work for me. The others do.

I can't log into MyOpera through my Mini 3.0 on either of my phones (Java)

Last post by odptest: Logon via mirror boxes.

Opera Link lost all my speed dials!!!

Wish list for Opera Mini 6 and onwards

Last post by grzejnik32: add exterions support in all mobile platforms. skins in all mobile platforms. build in bug report wizard in all mobile platforms. build in feedback report in all mobile platforms.
one bar as a search or address bar

Opening, copying & pasting links-to-posts w/mini

Last post by Nowurtalkin:

Originally posted by jmwking:

I had some weird stuff once with mini that was resolved by not folding link lists (an option under opera:config).

No idea why it worked, but it fixed a problem with placing me several posts beyond the first new unread post.


hey jk,

kinda funny this is... Going on 2 mos ago, after a great yr & a half run, my mini6 abruptly quit opening, which led me to go w/mini next, which brought about this post link issue, as i came to forum seeking help w/the mini 6 prob. After tons of effort, both via net searching & major reading thru forum & mini forum & more tons of posts... your msg is the 1st mention and/or acknowledgement of having actually seen anything even remotely similar & to have a possib suggestion for dealing with!.....and so it "figures", ironically, that i can hardly make any sense of what you described...haha

"folding link list"..... umm, what is a "link list"?... & the only clue i have about "folding" is i think i saw it listed as an option in 4.4 pref's/settings? The short description left me scratching head somewhat, but it sounded something like ability to take certain listings or menus, etc, that maybe take up too much space (?) & to "fold" or "minimize" or "hide" that stuff & to be able to "unfold" or bring back up onto screen, that material...like sideways submenus(?)

i may be way off- - thats just my guess... but if on right track, i dont "get" how such lists would relate to my 'individual posts'- -linking issue. I wonder if what u mean is maybe u had some group/list of post links, to somehow deal with & u were using a browser version that had that "folding" option & u wanted to keep the list kind of "close to the vest" so to speak....uhh...sorta like ur own personal "sticky's"?....(am i even in the ballpark?).

In any event, u used the folding function & it somehow (not clear if in same manner as w/me..?) screwed up your post link location performance.

Also, u said the "folding" option was in opera:config, so do u mean in desktop opera?

I'm just trying to take what possible similarities in what u describe, and figure how in the heck i might possibly apply my situ to it. I dont hav desktop, not using any sort of "folding", no "lists" involved... so appreciative of ur reply but no idea how i might apply or if it relates to my issue closely enuff?

Never saw or had prob until i began to try to use the post links & the post link url's, copied & pasted, from opera forum, since using mini next. When i click post links they take me somewhere above or below the actual post sought. In the 'copy/paste/open' aspect, whether i did the copying, or someone else did, same problem when i click on, except i think that avg distance "offset" or "away" from the desired post, i8s even more exaggerated, like it might sometimes be a distance of 'from one end of a page to the other. Definitely not fully 'predictable' (as to where it may land) but is IS predictable in that the links never go correctly to the top of a desired, linked to post.
(i'm just describing all this in case anyone might understand the cause).

I assume that anyone else out there, who might open the links i might post, likely would not have any problem being taken to the right place (as opposed to the action for me), which if so, is not so bad a thing, as long as i KNOW thats what will occur. But what if they have same setup/same issue as me? And it still doesnt solve the issue for me opening links (posted by others) & being led to wrong spot.

The only solution i know of, is to use (myself & whoever else might need to) the posts' id #, in order to check for & locate the post w/correct #.

It aint that big of a deal but i would like to find cause & fix if possib.

Opera Mini 7.0 Update 2 for Symbian

Last post by srdzenda: I have Nokia C3, and I downloaded opera mini 7, and it works, but I also instaled opera on my friends phone Nokia asha 302, which is exactly like my phone, having symbian s40, but in his opera, speed dial looks like on a computer, you know like little boxes, but in my opera its just a list. Why, and is there a way to fix it?

Opera Link is on an endless Sync loop

Last post by postfuz: Hello!
Ever since the update to Version of Opera Mini, I'm having this issue.
I go to Settings & press to switch the Opera Link button to ON
I'm requested to login, i have an account so i do so with my user name & password.
Than the small window of: Opera Link - Synchronizing your data...
with the wheel on the top left goes on & on Endlessly...
I checked that my Opera browser allows Opera Link.
I have an iPhone 4 on 5.0.1.
If any one can shed a little light on this issue,
Or if any one is experiencing the same problem,
I'll be happy to hear some solutions!
Thanks in general for all the "Opera" operations & the "Mini" Browser especially!!

Do I have to use a data connection to install Opera?

Last post by liorean:

Originally posted by janerobinson:

Thank you. It must be the phone then.

You're not alone in having that problem with Opera Mini on Sony Ericsson ELM (J20I). From, my experience about two year ago, it works if you have a data connection when you first use it and then after that use WiFi, as long as you don't do a software update on the phone. But the internet settings don't seem to allow saving a no-data-connection profile for use, the save button is greyed out when you don't have a data connection, so the first time it doesn't work.

Notice for BlackBerry users new to Opera Mini

Last post by Nowurtalkin: Kirk..

I agree ur method of using various workable notepad solution sounds far better than clunky multiple instances of om. I got that suggestion from a post i found here in sept, addressing the issue & had in back of memory, but havent yet reached my limit on bookmarks. That poster, if i remember correctly, made the multiple mini's sound pretty viable, but what u say, makes that sound crazy in comparison, so im gonna save ur post/links for if/when i DO reach some limit & start having problems w/bkmrks. Actually this om "next" 7, is already going bananas, intermittently, w/the saved pages & speedials, i.e. 'disappearing", reappearring, adding default googles, etc., really shaky! So any natively saved links, using a "live link capable" notepad, which is conveniently placed on ur device....is DEFINITELY THE WAY TO GO!!....and others should take heed & stop posting about losing their stuff. SO THANKS!

as to the bolt reappearance, i didnt mean to imply it was from orig dev (bitstream? or whoever it was?), but prolly someone else revamped.

*edit: hey kirk, i just thought of something... the "saved pages" function seems to be, in contrast to bkmrks & speeddials, a "hybid" folder, in that it saves (and loses..haha) on server side (mini), but also saves to sd card using the .ombl files, right?.....and those, when on the saved pages menu, are live links to whatever. So maybe (probably) im missing someth, but couldnt u simply use that & have sd card as backup in case opera loses anyth? Hmmm

**another update:
1st, sorry i didnt notice that ur post orig referred to BB, but i think still, that this issue goes beyond BB.

Also, i found the thread & post i referenced above, about that particular solution suggestions....w/the multiple operas. I can post if u wanna see it, but i made a mistake...it was in ref. to "saved pages", not bookmarks & ironically, so it is similar to the thought i just posted above, about using saved pages folder.

As far as the basic issue goes, i.e., opera losing stuff, i dont think it matters that much whether we are talking about bookmarks, saved pages, speeddials, notes, etc, in terms of using an off server, local solution, because such a solution can be used for any & all of what needs to saved, backed up & is clickable, no?

So this now brings up another issue that i didnt know about until i went back & found & reread the topic thread referenced above (from may). In it, mentioned, was fact (supposedly?) that saved pages also had a sz limit & so the multiple folders (i guess thats where the multiple operas comes in?) idea was intro'd. But that was in reference to older mini versions, 2, 3 & 4. So my question to you is do u know what is the limit now, in 7? If it is pretty lg, then using it, may be a simpler, less step, solution (along w/sd card backup!).

And lets say the number is pretty lg, say 1 or 200...how many more than that are truly practical (on phone) anyway. Plus, lets say more is desired than whatever is the limit....couldnt additional folders be created on card & subsequently then be chosen (by way of changing what folder to save to, choice, that mini offers? Am i making any sense (ok to lie to me)? :lol:

Changed To Different Identical Phone, But Can't Get The Same Opera Mini Version

Last post by Nowurtalkin: Tman,

ok great! So maybe/hopefully useful. If i were you, i would simply try adding the "APPS" folder & if you try using 1 or more of the mini versions, from the page w/the links, most likely those jads are correcly structured (but possibility exists, i think, that it can get corrupted in the transfer to your phone card & phone). It has been suggested by those more knowledgeable than i, that the process of transferring the files is more stable via computer/data cable/phone, but personally, i've never seen a problem just using the phone itself.

So i hope u give it a try & report back w/results. If the process doesnt work due to some difference w/your phone, then there are tons of tuturials on this whole issue & likely a specific forum for your phone. But i bet just adding APPS folder, then accessing applications or games, will lead u2 install.

I know that if for whatever reasons...you really wud like to have new phone doing as good as old one, that if this works, it'll mean alot....to yer "phone-world", no?

Cannot save a page on saved pages

Last post by Nowurtalkin:

Originally posted by nieditzsche:

hi nied...

I hope im not as confused as i think u are cuz i dont want to add to it...but lemme give it a shot...
"Hello! Its in opera mini.. When i try to save a page, its asking me to save it in a folder. But i did not."
* 1st clue is mini tells u2 save it in a folder, but u admit u DID NOT!? = 1st mistake...
"I lost all the pages that ive saved,"
* the way i see it is if u didnt save to folder, u didnt SAVE in the 1st place.
"i dont know why,"
*see above...(u didnt "save")
" and the save pages folder is empty."
* that makes sense bcause [see above - no save = empty folder...aka..."no tickee, no shirtie"]
"And when i try to save a page, its asking me to save it in a folder."
*umm...u already said that in beginning. Are we going in circles? (wheeeeee....getting dizzy...)
"My question is: why does it need to save it in a folder, when the save pages folder is empty?"
*saved pages, according to my understanding, are saved locally, in your device or in a folder in memory card in ur device (as opposed to bkmrks & speeddials, which i believe are saved server side (opera), so when "it asks you to save to folder, afaik, its asking you to choose from a drop down list that incld's native phone folder & memory card. In my case, if i try to choose 1 of the listed phone directories, the save will fail, cuz my phone is a lo memory device & so will not allow me to do so. I suspect same is true in many cases. Maybe some phones (android?) have a lg enuff buit-in memory & allow it? So my only choice that works to save ANYTHING (aside from phonebook/contacts) is to save to micro sd card. I choose that & then the page gets saved there, in a file called an ".ombl" file. They're just a type of text file. So u get the ADDED BENEFIT of them being archived on ur card! (a good thing!). So YOU are in control. Then, there is opera link, which when activated & kept turned on (in settings) is SUPPOSED to save the pages on opera server (i guess?) & sync's them between you various computers & devices using opera browsers (i think...not positive...hope im not steering u wrong...please double-check my info....i get "lost" sometimz...i might even be "sleep-posting" right now...). But it (opera link) cannot do so until u 1st "SAVE TO YOUR MEMORY CARD!". And it seems that many peeps are losing their saved pps, esp when changing/upgrading browser versions, etc, so they should be safe on card, for restoring, if/when necessary (again, i may not be 100% correct about all this, so please confirm w/someone else). Also, in my case, if i remove the sd card from phone, then i cannot access the saved pps. Additionally (and strangely) when i later added a special "saved pages" folder, to my sd card, for an as yet undetermined reason (glitch, bug?), i could no longer access the saved pages, so i took those files OUT from the special sub-folder & just left the files loose on the root & then i could once again access the pages. That doesnt seem right to me & i have to recheck up on that aspect, but its a "heads up".
"It should be the page will directly save in the save pages, not in another folder."
*why, cuz u say so? (haha). The "save pages" directory (i dont know if its "a directory", but it "sounds good"..) is a server side (opera thingy), but they need YOUR FOLDER//YOUR MEMORY, to direct to. I think all above explanation (even if i got half of it wrong) is opera's way to help keep mini, mini !

Hope that helps. (sorry, just tryin 2put myself asleep)....ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

"And what will i do to save the page, in the save pages folder, again?"
* ummm....hahaha.....u will be stuck in the "mulberry bush", back to NOT SAVING! (remenber, "wishing won't do it, saving WILL!)

*edit: to prove what an idiot i might be, i just realized that maybe u meant u were doing it correctly at 1st, but then went over the saved pages limit (it doesnt say so there, in saved pages, but lotsa ppl hav reported going over limit). If so, i really dont know, but i think you have to choose other folders, which would imply subfolders, which as i reported, didnt seem to work for me, so i dont know then, what the ans is, but if this is indeed the case for you, just try your "other" folder??
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